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Position:Home>Poetry> PRT 2 Ok, please, Is This Dada Poetry?? Does anyone have any examples of Dada?

Question: PRT 2 Ok, please, Is This Dada Poetry!?!? Does anyone have any examples of Dada!?
Every site I go to has a different example of Dada!.!.

Neonman as well as a few others say "sound"

is it sound as in



I hate it when I can't write something (sigh) I'm always testing myself <3

If you don't want to post examples, can you email me maybe!?

Loves ya all, Shad, and Thanx <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nonsensical sound!.

Binge gibne
yellow eylllow
maybe abeym

You still need to be able to pronounce the sounds in my opinion!. The words mean nothing it is about sounds playing off each other to create a rhythm!. you probably can also add transitional words to help in the flow that are not dada in origin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com