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Position:Home>Poetry> A little outta Season, I know but, I've worked hard on this'n, care to c

Question: A little outta Season, I know but, I've worked hard on this'n, care to crit or comment!?
Dear Santa

Dec 20, 1998

Dear Santa,
How are you this year!?
I've been a real good boy
I was in remission and
Would like a 'tinker' toy

Mum's helping write this letter
So it gets to you on time
Besides, there are big words to learn
and I haven’t had the time

I loved the puppets you brought me
Last year when I was three
But, I was weak and bed ridden
So the staff did a show for me!.

I wish all the kids had saw it
It was really quite silly
But, there are only 4 kids left
Including little me

Remember Tommy Jamerson,
my 12 year old best friend!?
Well, an angel came and took him
to be at Gods right hand!.

I miss Tommy really bad but,
He left me with this gift
A baseball hat for my bare head
I think of him when wearing it!.

Susan got to go home for
Christmas time this year!
She got that liver transplant
And is doing fine I hear!.

Santa, the doctor just came in
And I'm feeling quite amiss
I can write more later
after my dialysis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved it - you have such insight to the emotions that are contained in situations such as these!. I loved the flow until the very last letter dated Jan 01, 1999 - maybe it needs to be worked on!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's really amazing, truly, this should be published or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poems like this are never out of season!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow thank you for putting this up!. I really enjoyed itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ya know, there are times when reading something like this touches something so deep you don't even realize it's been hiding there!. Mine was touched, and as I type this the thing touched is still being massaged, and my eyes are misty and blurred, even the one that is now the good one!. Tuesday, the left one gets done, then I can read good enough to be touched even more often!. Thank you, my dear, thank you ever so much!. I sent it to Donna, I know it will touch her heart too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was a very nice poem, it brought tears to my eyes and caused me to think of so many selfish little boys and girls that need to hear something like that to give them some perspective on how good they really have it!.
I can talk to them till I am blue in the face but a story like that has a ring to it that can pierce a selfish heart and maybe heal it!.

thank you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't lost any flow
That was a great message to
Santa claus!. Even it you are abit late
I won't say, you are preparing for the following year
The first part talks about a boy in remission
The youngster is getting help from mom to write the
The boy may have been good
but so was mom for helping him out!.
I see the boy was sick and weak I am assuming it was cancer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com