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Question: Ee cummings help!?
What is the significance of cumming's style and structure of his poems!?

in poems such as:

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first poem, "ygUDuh" was a satirical poem on NY city'ese, where he made the words look like the way people talked in the area!. "!blac" mimics the way the leaf falls to the ground!.!.!.he used line breaks to create the sense of a leaf falling!. "1(a" he inserts "a leaf falls" into the word "lonliness", so that the image created is "a leaf falls in lonliness"!. In "rpophessagr" he tries to recreate the actions of a grasshopper jumping all over the page by making your eyes move up, down, and back and forth in search of the next letter of phoneme that will complete the thought!.!.!.and in so doing, you're literally following the hopping path of a grasshopper!.

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com