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Position:Home>Poetry> A funny one of my cat-how do you like it?

Question: A funny one of my cat-how do you like it!?
My cat
will attack
anything today!.
She's just
being silly
in every way!.
In bed, she sits upon my feet
and jumps upon them, claw and sheet!
O, yea, for the sheet!
Her claws did not sink
into my skin, at least I think
for now I'm safe if I don't move
to much more, it will improve
her attitude, but the clock now says five!.
I must get up and get up alive!.
I slide carefully from under her belly!.
She pounces once and runs willy-nelly
off the bed and down the hall
and I am left to laugh and it all!.

Has anyone ever had a cat that sleeps on their feet and likes to pounce on them while in bed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i love it! my cat used to do that, but now at 13, and with kidney failure, we let him live out his days just lounging aroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, my ex bf and I had a kitten that did that all of the time! She was crazy! She would run around like a mad woman in the middle of the night and then jump on the bed and pounce on us all night long!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This reminds me of my cats and , oh, how I miss them!. It's a funny, delightful poem that brought me happy memories!. You obviously are another cat lover! Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it and to answer your question!.!.!.YES!! When my cat was still a baby, I used to wake up with scratch marks on my legs and ankles from her playing with them all night!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to have one that did that!.
I miss him!.
I like your poem, describes it well!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

every word of yours shows
how still you are strong
how still you are driven by your mind
how still you believe hard in all the nonsense
that you have learned
how still so long
you need to travel
to find your home
every word is so self-sufficient
so self-powered
so self-oriented
yet you claim
the right to learn
the language of love
of bhakti
you still believe that you deserve
the gift of freedom
from all pain
there is the road
the path
but still
you need to grow
and give up the death of you
as the only way to escape
there is no escape
just transcendence
that can never be found
in the shadow of your own will
you will get the peace
but dead and self-centered peace
which is not a peace at all
every clean heart will touch it
and send you back
to your hells
stay away from clean hearts
they can harm you a great deal
you paid this lesson with the price
you have never expected that you will pay
time will show the price
there is nothing more you can do
but to let the bhakta free
He didnt want you the first time
He knew your material
he doesnt want you now
is it so hard to accept!?Www@QuestionHome@Com