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Position:Home>Poetry> I am sorry that this dark prince is an loony tunes jerk what do you think???

Question: I am sorry that this dark prince is an loony tunes jerk what do you think!?!?!?
I am writing this as my point of view on this dp madness!.He calls himself a poet but he is a sham ' a phony and yes he has friends but they are only 6 to 13 years old as no one any older could stand him [puke ] Now their are many great poets who write their own work and some like darker poetry ' but do not let this punk @ss dp ruin for the other poets who do write darker type poetry!.I see a lot of people are turned off to dark poetry now and i say forget about this clown Dark dead prince as he is history on this site, Thank you Cami and ps i am a women not a 16ys old like he said i was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have found that if you block him ignore him and call him the fake that he is that he writes stupid poems about you just like a little child would he is just one of those guys who needs attention any way he can get it!. He threatened to kill himself because i ask him if he stole his poems if you type in dark prince in the search bar at top they have several questions that have proof he stole his work!. I say ignore him and just like that bothersome boy in elementary school he will eventually go away i have more in my life than to worry about such a joke as himWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've checked all of my poetry textbooks!. I could not find any dark poetry!.

I have read the Dark Prince!. That's not poetry!. It is a classic cry for help!. He will either get help or get dead, in my opinion!.

In fact, I'm sorry to say, I have only read a few pieces that would get a B grade in my class!.

But, now that I'm here, I will bring some Shinola, not shiit!.

Thanks for letting me answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we should all move on and stop paying attention to that over-aged attention seeker!. Questions about him will only boost his ego!. This is what he wants!. To be the infamous poet of Yahoo Answers with the most followers and attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when will Poetry go back to being about the poems!?
i appreciate it all went screwy!.!.!.but i thought this place was different from the rest of the site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it and was wondering when people would get wise to him!.He wanted me to dirty deeds to girls who disses him too and when i told my mom she called the police!.They know him well in Denver he is a scammer as he works in a abuse house for women and kids!.He is worse than the people abusing them!.I pray God puts him out' before Cami's dad does as he is a big biker guy and has had guys like this loon before!.Hang in their Cami your Dad Weill get him' hopefully before the Cops do lolWww@QuestionHome@Com