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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you think my poem makes sense?

Question: Do you think my poem makes sense!?
I have to write a work of American Literature for my literature class so I decided to write a poem!. I'm going to type it up here for you and some of the words are in parenthesis because I want to replace them with I don't know what word to use!. So here it goes:
Time is (an/the) -->which one should I use] object in which the world does not apprehend!.
It passes individuals who often lend it no hand!.
One forgets its use and does not hold it as dear,
until they reach the age in which there dream of (their) yester-year!.
We often looks beyond those instances in our lives,
where we should have paid attention because (they) only happen once in our lifetime!.
The memories of the past taht went by,
without the realization that they would not last!.
Now it comes down to something that may seem really simple,
but not many have grasped this attribute,
and if so they are few in people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cumbersome, self-conscious, clumsily phrased, but some good thoughts behind it all!. Now if you could only stop TRYING to write and simply write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

meaningless and superficial no directection or point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com