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Question: Just A Thought: Care to Comment!?
My face expressed shock
I was in total disbelief
A date gone wrong
Because I was filled with manners
I open doors
And pulled out chairs
Then she tells me I am not man enough
Why are women confused
Or maybe they refuse
To see the difference between
Chivalry and being a man
For me, they are one in the sameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
But, did you remember to wear pants!? Just checking!.

Is this somewhat tongue in cheek!? I would hope so since it implies manhood and chivalry go together!. We can then forget personality, looks, etc!.!.!. Its the old carrot thing!.!.!.!.20 bags seemingly alike and guess which one will be picked!? Remember you heard that story first from neonman! Or is this somewhat tongue in cheek!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I see it, the code of chivalry was developed by a bunch of largely illiterate, spoiled rich kids who were all emotionally teenagers, whatever their chronological age!. They prized the ability to knock their foe (or friend) senseless above all else!. They despised learning, intellectual inquiry, humility, hygiene, and Jews!. They had no clue about women, whom they idolized and abused!. Your "manners" may have been experienced as condescending by women of the 21st Century!. You might have been trying to hide something behind those "manners!." This might have been perceived as somehow dishonest!. I don't know, but I think this may be an opportunity to examine the true motivations for your behavior!.
Anyway, I hope you shower regularly and not hate Jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be chivalrous or not to be chivalrous

When ladies are the object fair,
Of our attention sweet!.
It's hard to know just what to do,
To sweep them off their feet!.
So do as I and write of love,
And see how they then feel!.
For should the poem they reject,
You will know then the deal!.
You treat her as a same sex friend,
She opens her own doors!.
You let her pull out her own chairs,
Throw manners on the floors!.
But should the poem that you write,
Touch her soul deep within!.
To be not chivalrous, my boy,
Would be a mortal sin!.
So keep a little love rhyme close,
One you can change the name!.
And judge from that the way to act,
To kindle her heart flame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

excelent job, but I think that most women can see the similarities, it is the girls that you have to be careful of, they cannot seem to see the closeness of the two, and often mistake chivalry as weakness, or being a chovenist!. stupid girls, keep doin what you do, someday, the right girl will appreciate these little thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are right, friend!.

We could be friends!. I have no Idea why but some women have the odd opinion that we are not "men" until we treat them badly!.

These are not the women you want to be around anyway, friend!. I appreciate your devotion to decency!.

-R!.H!. WessonWww@QuestionHome@Com

A valid thought for modern man, and a valid question for modern woman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe she had a bad day!. Thats probably why shes cranky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I care!.
But being here:
I don't liked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What the hell you doin' opening doors and pullin out chairs for another man!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only comment i have is that it would ba a wonderful poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, indeed they are! Pity more men don't realize that!
You stated it quite well! Flowers!Www@QuestionHome@Com


This one is deeper than Barry White's voice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ooooh deep i like it!. Did u write it urself!.!.!.!.!. is it from personal experience!?!?!? I agree with the last 2 lines totallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

did u write that>!?Www@QuestionHome@Com