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Position:Home>Poetry> Would like an opinion on new poem "My Name"?

Question: Would like an opinion on new poem "My Name"!?
My Name

My actions and intentions
My past, my present, my future
My expectations and desires

Who I am
Who they say I am
Who you think I am

What I believe
What I choose
What I stand for

I am not my possessions
I am not my circumstances
I am not my health

How I love and laugh
How I cry and anger
How I give and serve

Where I have been
Where I am
Where I am going

Why I do
Why I live
Why I love

It’s all what you say
when you say my nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
very good description of my name---all in one--i dare not to suggest a name except MY NAMEWww@QuestionHome@Com

its okay yehWww@QuestionHome@Com