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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this tale dark and dreary?

Question: Is this tale dark and dreary!?
Metaphorically Speaking

(The names been changed
To protect the innocence
All inferences given…
Strictly fictional of course)

Hail oh mighty one of stature tall
what say ye, this dark dreary night!?
Surely words pure with thought
will echo as if yours and yours alone

Visions of razors, death and mayhem
blood, vampires, gore and goth
cold ice the blood of author’s pen
spewing fire with terrifying delight

The spells mesmerized and tantalize
teasing souls to wane praise and song
for prince's charm with deadly wit
as jesters scribe tomorrows scripts

But these sounds carry and carry far
and people ponder long and longer
If words claimed are words penned true
Then why so vile the responses spoke!?

But who are we to carry on…
maybe we’ll just pen a rhyme…
something to go with lets see- TP
Nah, at least with TP you have a use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It is indeed a dark and chilling tale, complete with "Visions of razors, death and mayhem"!. The tale it tells of "vile responses" is actually as pitiful as it is frightening, at least in the realm of cyberspace!. The last two lines are certainly telling of your perspective!. I appreciate your artistry!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I am on the edge of this darkness!.
I have but brief knowledge
of what took place!.
Cryptic references and 'snippets'
led me to bafflement,
as someone fell from grace!.
If duplicity has been someone's
this alone is reason for concern,
But to bring here
curses and threats
instead of sweet words
Is an affront to our tranquil world!.

But, I have little knowledge
of what took place
I am a mere bystander
in this dramatic game!.
So I stand wearing a sorry face
'For shame!.
For shame!.'


No I don't feel it's darkness, More like warnings of a scam,
added to that warnings of a poison pen, those that swallow it
will continue to write the same, or forget it and pick up where we left off!.

The very last line leaves me in the dark (TP) !? you have a use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you for sharing but they will not see those who have a deaf brain!.
Intelligence is a tool,
but in the hands of fool,
it becomes a weapon!.
For me this is supposition,
with few facts known,
but happy the love shown!.
Not bad but nothing I know works with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Metaphorically speaking, of course!. I quite appreciate this poem and it has given me incentive to write a poem at once a parody in style and a criticism in content!.
Let's see how I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excruciatingly boring!. Let's pep it up a little!. I want to see guts spill, blood flow!. Let the colon and kidneys effluve! Bring on the dancing cadavers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a Thriller!.
I see Ghost Riders in the Sky shouting Ghoul Night My Love, pleasant dreams and Ghoul Night My Love,It has That Old Black Magic!.
I'll See You In My Dreams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, you managed to do dark, and I'm locking the doors and putting on the lights! Evil monsters out there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say you are leaning towards Gothic and darkness with this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, but i like it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com