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Position:Home>Poetry> Need a poem for a woman who will turn 50 yrs old tomorrow. Would like to have a

Question: Need a poem for a woman who will turn 50 yrs old tomorrow!. Would like to have a website with bithday poems!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Couldn't find one so I wrote one:

So You are 50

So you are 50 what do you know
You no longer have to wait for your boobs to grow
You no longer wonder what sex is like
or if you are even doing "it" right
You've seen a man on the moon a paper one too
A guy named Arafat and another Vegas star mauled by his Cat
You've seen hippies and yuppies, preppies and Val's
A Vampire Slayer who hung out at the Bronze
There was Pony Boy and Junie Moon, the Howling and Silver Spoons
You have been the remote and rejoiced in it's coming
The Word processor evolve and the Internet up and running
You've been through it all and not nearly enough
You thought it was bad before - but 50 is going to be tough
The cycle you hate will finally stop but not before you sweat so much you can water a crop
The wine you once relished will spurn in turn making 2 buck Chuck the flavor you yearn
Retirement now looms on the horizon - time now to think of investing in Verizon
Is your 401K vested and secure - are you leaking when you laugh - are your poise secure
Ah, yes - 50 is nifty- 50 is grand so let us all rise and give you a hand!.

copyright 2008 Walking On Sunshine for your amusment ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write your own!.
I'm sure you could do it!.
Those are the best!.
It doesn't have to rhyme!.
Just write what you want to say to her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure she'll appreciate a hand-written poem!. It is one of the most touching and sentimental gifts to give!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WRITE YOUR OWN!! thats the best poem someone can get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com