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Position:Home>Poetry> Any constructive comments about this poem? Any ways to improve?

Question: Any constructive comments about this poem!? Any ways to improve!?
Our Young Place

Even efter all these years,
A flood of memories washes over me,
The fog of time lifts; years vanish!.
This is where we met; fell in love;
“Our young place!.”

Everybody has one,
Their time in the sun;
That ‘once upon a time’
Of starry eyed dreams and hopes!.

I promise, no matter how old we get, my love,
Those two kids will always be alive in us;
I can still feel them !. !. !.
Every time I’m in your arms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have goose bumps, strange isn't it if one does not look in the mirror too often! Tho!. wounded from life's journey, the
heart does stay young! Last stanza came as a nice surprise,
the last two lines memorial!. Kudos!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some imagery of the narrator as a youth with his/her love would help overall - it's hard to get that sense of youthfullness!.

Try showing instead of telling!. Right now, this just tells the reader what message you're trying to get across!. The best poems show this message instead!. Find a way to show the youth of the past and link it back to the people as they age!.

You could keep all the stanzas you already have, they're pretty good, but the poem on the whole would be better with some imagery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love poems with a nostalgic theme, and this one especially appeals to me!. It celebrates the continuation of love through the years showing that the optimism of youth can be sustained into old age!. And what makes life bearable!? Love for others, and their love for us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I knew what you meant by the second word!. I do this, too!.

Well done!. I like this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May the child in you never die!. Beautiful poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com