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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem with the following words?

Question: Poem with the following words!?
Gravity- the magnetical pull towards earth, causing everything to stick to the ground and not float freely
Orbit- the path that an astronomical object such as a planet, moon, or satellite follows around a larger astronomical object such as the Sun
Inertia- the property of a body by which it remains at rest or continues moving in a straight line unless acted upon by a directional force
motion-the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement
momentum -force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events
Newton- the SI unit of force, equal to the force that produces an acceleration of one meter per second per second on a mass of one kilogram
Acceleration- the act of accelerating; increase of speed or velocity!.
Velocity- the rate of change in the position of an object as it moves in a particular direction
The poem doesn't need to be ryming, and it has to include the definition or an explame on the words on it!. Thanks ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The earth’s in motion
Moving in an orbit or path,
Held by gravity
Its momentum drives it
And sends the earth shootin through space
In any case, it brings us to the unit of force, the Newton
Of course
The Newton is the term give to the creation of acceleration
Which is resisted by inertiaWww@QuestionHome@Com

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
And God said "Light be", and there was light
He made the earth to circle the sun in an orbit
Together with all the other planets in the solar system

God made the earth to have a magnetic pull called gravity
To hold the atmosphere and everything else in place
God made the earth to hang on nothing in space
Though it has inertia, it continues in motion circling the sun

God made the earth to move in a constant momentum
Neither too fast nor too slow, but in perfect Newton
There is no acceleration in the velocity of the earth's movement
Only God can perfectly balance the physics behind His creationsWww@QuestionHome@Com