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Position:Home>Poetry> Music anyone?

Question: Music anyone!?
In keeping with a recurring theme, here are some of my favorites from my top 100 list!.

Play On

I lead myself, but I also follow
I am the band of one, I am maestro
Many the sounds played, many the choruses sung
for this band marches as heartbeat drums

Dueling banjos or saints marching!?, Maybe…
Michelle!? Yes, she drives me crazy…
even while raindrops keep falling,
but no, I did not shoot the sheriff!

American pie!? Living on a prayer more like!
Take me please… a castle on a cloud
for I am a rider of the storm, baaaaad to the bone,
a regular sultan of swing I am!

Yes I will always love you
and dream of nights in white satin
but time warp… I am born to be wild
so while you’re so smooth, I must take five!.

And when the drum’s heartbeat does stop,
while I may be dust in the wind
look not on the dark side…
the stairway to heaven, my next gig


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Great poem,Do It To Me One More Time!.
With Michelle, Try A Little Tenderness
Remember to buy her a String Of Pearls
Respect Yourself,and when heaven bound
Take either the A Train or the Soul Train!.
Heaven, I'm in Heaven,I shower you with Pennies From Heaven
From the Earth AngelWww@QuestionHome@Com

LOVED THIS - all the songs that go through our minds!. Every one that ever meant anything to us - no matter if they are long ago or not - still ring in our ears!. I hope to climb the stairway to heaven escorted by the knights in white satin so that they could be the wind beneath my wings ;-) Do you think our songs had anything to do with shaping our character!? That ought to be a new contest - how many songs can you put into a poem!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Much of it eludes me; I have never been much of a fan of popular music!. Still, I think it's a hilarious poem, where each verse--each phrase really--seems to me a verse from a song!. I especially like "look not on the dark side!." There has been too much of that lately!. Hmmm!.!.!.I think I have an idea!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fantabulosy - as a certain little Scottish lady used to say!.
That must have been so hard - I recognised almost every reference, but despite having listened to music for close on !.!.!.!.years, I don't think I would be able to pull out the ones I wanted for a poem!.
And it all fits!. Brill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the poem, but love the last stanza very much!!
And being the dust in the wind, and wind itself the power of music, let me be carried away into the summits of bliss!.!.!.!.
"Fly Ariel, quick! that is thy charge, and to the elements be free" Prospero (Act V, Scene I, The Tempest)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did smile when I saw your title, Ah! music!.
I love this theme!. music is so meaningful to all!
This is a treasure of words, bravo!
There is always a"Song in my heart!"
I may be a copy cat on this theme!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I had time to count the songs but I have to get to work!. Being the age I am I remember when each came out and I like them all!. Maybe I can post something later!. I like it, so keep on sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know of what you sing!. Fear not, the stairway to heaven awaits all poets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very cool & hip dude, I dig it Mr N!
*she clicks fingers on both hands to show appreciationWww@QuestionHome@Com

cool a life told in lyrics that's what music is all aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com