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Question: Birth day poems!?
i lost a baby on dec 25th 2005!.!.!.!. i was due june 9th!.!. and my hubby and i were not togeather but he called me a lair when i told him!. but now he says he was sad that we lost a baby!.!. and i want to write a poem about it!.!. can someone help!.!. best help gets 10 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, I am so sorry for your loss, I recently went through the exact same thing, my prayers and hopes are with you both, I'm sorry!. I hope this helps!.


A soul in waiting from within,
A hand grew tight and grasping,
A light shining brightly on one,
A mother watching and fasting!.

A gleam of hope within reach,
A happy time for all of us,
A night for me alone right now,
A fear rising for thus!.

A slight pain I feel inside,
A realease not wanted,
A gate opened for those awaiting,
A God taking back what is rented!.

A goodbye to a ove now old,
A welcome home for a soul loved,
A passion now holed inside,
A child on the wings of the dove!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm very sorry for your loss!. You don't have to be a poet to write a little poem!. Write down whats in your heart!. Every woman has a quiet safe haven place in or around your home!. Go there!. No music, TV, all quiet!. Write about loss, and love, and overcoming things!. I hope for your sake that hubby has shaped up!. Calling you a liar over a babys death!. NOT COOL!. Write what is in your heart!. Why it happed I dont know, but if you feel it in your heart you are meant to have a baby, knowmater what the doctors say God will eventually when its time give you another baby!. good luck, and God Bless, all though that persons poem was nice, let you write your own!. Coming from your heart!. God Bless KATWww@QuestionHome@Com