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Position:Home>Poetry> Opinion on my poem "Others"?

Question: Opinion on my poem "Others"!?

Have my arms become too short!?
Am I reaching out in love!?
Stretching outside myself!?
Leaving myself vulnerable!?

Have my eyes become too weak!?
Do I see them at all!?
Have I placed blinders on, narrowing my vision!?
Do I see my reflection in their eyes!?

Has my heart become too frail!?
Caring for another like myself!?
Loving them for the creation they are!?
Cherishing one's company and thoughts!?

Have my feet become too weary!?
To journey through life with you
To explore a new soul!?
To go the extra mile!?

Have my ears become too deaf!?
To hear a cry for help!?
A plea for love!?
A whisper of need!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it!. It says a lot about you and how you see the world!. You are right on!. May you be blessed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!. that was great! i think its absolutely adorable when guys write poetry!Www@QuestionHome@Com