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Position:Home>Poetry> Analyse the meaning and get 10 points?

Question: Analyse the meaning and get 10 points!?

A time,
A year or so ;
Passes by,
With health ;
But, without wealth!.

Incredible are the ways of life,
Broken are the life ;
He live without choice!.

Wonder what lies beyond this road,
A soul so badly wounded and broken ;
Had to pass through,
Without the light ;
That was once deep inside him!.
But, was now gone because of death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that the first part is talking about the period before death!. The person that they are talking about had his health but did not have money!.

The second part is talking about about life in general!. You live but then life is broken!. He live without choice- I think that means that you do not have a choice whether you die or not because it is inevitable!.

The next part, the beginning, I think it talks about losing someone else!. What lies beyond this road is where do you go once you have lost someone!. You are broken up but you have to get through it!. He could have lost his spouse and that was the light that was in him tha the now has to live without because they are dead!.

I think this is reflective of someone losing someone else!. The beginning is talking about the time just after you have lost someone, maybe from something that had to do with their health because it says "with health" which could refer to the person who is still living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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