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Position:Home>Poetry> Are dialects in poetry, good excuses for poor spelling?(Can phonetic license cre

Question: Are dialects in poetry, good excuses for poor spelling!?(Can phonetic license creat new words(wurdz)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Remember this, regardless of what your views on the evolution of language may be: Poetry should have purpose!. If I wanted to show a picture of the holocaust, I would not "colorize" it!.!.!.it would be in black and white, and not because that's the kind of cameras in use back then, but because I wanted to show the images in a certain "way"!.!.!.the stark clarity of black and white photography!. By the same token, I would "not" take a B&W picture of a field of varicolored flowers!.!.!.unless I wanted to call specific attention to "one" flower that might not otherwise have stood out in a color picture!. Poetry is all about context, images, and the communication of thought/emotion!. To make up words that are misspelled "just" to be "creative" will simply allow your poem to be forgotten!. However, if you were writing a poem about a bunch of Rappers, and the voice of the poem was consistant with that genre, then using "wurdz" would suddenly not only fit, but be expected!. Why!? becuase that's the "context" of the poem!. e!.e!.cummings wrote a poem called "ygUDuh"!.!.!.google it and see how he made up an entire phonetic language to mimic NY drunken-speak!.!.!.and this was over 60 years ago! However, if your misspellings are simply due to ignorance or sloppiness, then it's something you should take a look at improving!. Dialectic poems are all over the place; even proper English is a dialect!. The trick is to use a voice and dialect that fits with the topic and context of your poem!. If you're writing a period piece of the 1700's, you'll use the dialect of the day, full of "thee" and "thou", "hither" and "yon"; if you're writing a cowboy poem you'd probably say "pardner", etc!. Just make sure it's deliberate and works to improve the poem, otherwise it's just an excuse to be sloppy!.

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Language is constantly evolving, It's basically alive!. It's our primary method of interaction and stimulation (I'm including symbolic language in that assumption)!.

Language belongs to no-one and everyone!. The Younger generation tend to be more creative with language, and I think thats great! It's part of it's life cycle!. Look at the word 'Cool', It's a new word and has become part of common vernacular to an awful lot of people!. A prime example of phonetic license and it's effectiveness!.

So In answer to your Q!., Dialects are acceptable in poetry (and other literature) as a means of The creative evolution of language as a whole!.

Although I really feel it should be kept in check, by the people using it, like online/text message abbreviations!. Which for all means and purposes are a new kind of dialect unto themselves!. They could easily be used for a poem, or other illustrative purposes, but as an actual language, lack the depth and versatility of what we already speak!. also there is the issue of elitism!. To many people over the age of 25 alot of this new vocabulary may aswell be in greek!. It's not as acessible as more established languages, and the author needs to keep this in mind when indulging in the dialect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sup guise, did you herd
I liek mudkipz that's the werd!
yep it's OC ITT
now become an hero, wind up dead

Now it is in bad taste to explain 4chan references, but I will since it is relevant to this topic!.

To paraphrase lines 1 and 2, "I am part of a specific Internet subculture, if you know it you will recognize it!." - it contains three cultural references and in-jokes, I would be doing it wrong if I were to spell "heard" or "guys" correctly or used an apostrophe in the shortening of "what's up" to "sup"

Line 3 proclaims that this is original content (pronounced Oh See) "in this thread" of discussion, announcing that this is a valid and creative form of expression!. The use of "yep" instead of "yes" is well known and accepted slang!.

Line 4 asks you to commit suicide (become an hero) because of the shame of being so wrong, the use of the word "an" is an inseparable part of this meme!. It's standard practice to tell someone to kill themselves for being wrong within the culture portrayed, and is not meant to offend!.

Without the "misuse" of the English language, my short poem could not have such rich cultural meaning, or have proved you wrong!. It was not only a good excuse, it was completely necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not only new wurdz, but if you check the history of languages, you'll find words have an evolution all their own!. Does anyone really believe that the word 'language' just popped up one day, whole, complete as is!? Not!!!

Say, cuz, jes tuh letcha no, dat fonetik thang, ovah a givun time span, duz creeate dem wurds!!!!! Old, Middle, and Modern useages!.!.!.!.!.Maunin to yah!
Oh, and poetry has had a major part in language evolution!.

Disagree witcha, TD, on dat wun!.!.!.potry be potry!.!.!.sooner or later a given word becomes the 'vogue' and away we go to evolution land!. 'ain't'!.!.!.remember when it first became viable in dictionaries!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

no there wonderful expression !.They can add a new life to your words and also bring about a feel of the personality of the writer !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry and Internet Poetry are not the same thing!. Here, there are no rules!. TDWww@QuestionHome@Com