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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my poem? I call it "The World Today"?

Question: Do you like my poem!? I call it "The World Today"!?
I wanna love,
I wanna live,
But its a long road out of this hell,
Hey you punk!! You wanna fight!. One,two,three!. Ring the bell !

Some things are better unsaid,
But I prefer to put a bullet in your head,
Step up, you are the next one I Am gonna kill,
You don't believe it but I Am betting that you will!.

Who needs peace when we got war,
Never tasted peace and never will,
We love the taste of blood! We wanna kill,
Lets go to war!!

I Am an Atheist and people say I Am evil,
Yeah! I sold my soul to the devil,
God is nothing but a three letter word,
Thats why God cannot be heard!.

Wake up and face me, Don't play dead,
I don't care if I destroy the whole world!. My hunger for domination must be fed,
Lets set it on fire and watch it burn,
When will we ever learn !?


Do you like it!? Rate it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Truly Awesome,
it definitely talks about the world today
because there is so much war,
not enough love and peace!.
People always fighting
Nobody takes the time to communicate
alot of this would be avoid with communication!.
I liked the last question
When will we ever learn
perhaps my answer quite often is never!.
This poem makes alot of points!.

Your poem really wonderful!.
You are wonderfully social and love to be with people, sharing warmth and vitality!.
You have a very broad and interesting view of life and
can fit in with almost anyone you meet —
Some people might describe you as a Chameleon
because you are so good at changing yourself to fit a situation!. keep it up lol!. All good wishes for a bright future!.
and you will be a real friend of every body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

awesome :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

another brilliant poem!
but: i think that the no God part is a little harsh!.
but the poem is 10\10Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love itWww@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!. it was very good!. i give it a 10/10!. though i dont like the whole part about how theres no God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you contradicted yourself!. You talk about Hell, and evil, devil, hatred, war and death!. Who are you going to war against!? You start off with, I want to live, and i want to love!. If you want to live, and love, why do you want war!? what hell are you in!? In a hell of yourself and family, or in a hell of the world being religious, political!? You didn't describe why you wanted war!. It was very good, except the not being any God part!. Is that the war your in!? That you want to but dont believe in God!? KATWww@QuestionHome@Com