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Question: Ee cummings!.!.!.help please!?
I have to do a speech on ee cumming's views on war!. Could someone help me think of an intro I could say!? I'm incorporating the poems ygUDuh and i sing of olaf

thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, these are certainly two interesting choices!.!.!.in the first, he praised Olaf because he refused to fight for a "flag" and in ygUDuh he belittled American's (New Yorkers specifically) for wanting to "civilize" the Japanese!.!.!.satirically roasting them by mimicing their drunken slang while saying so!.

To do an intro with these two poems, well, I guess you'd have to buy into his views on war!.!.!.and if you do, there is plenty to say!.!.!.if you don't (which I don't), it's a tough sell!.!.!.especially since he felt that way even during WWII!. Since you chose the poems, you should indicate the timeframe involved!.!.!.this was a war that history now calls the war of the greatest generation!. If anything it frames how one's view of war, no matter how heartfelt, can be collectively shown misguided by history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com