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Position:Home>Poetry> IS this any good for another on-the-spot?

Question: IS this any good for another on-the-spot!?
I wrote it waiting in the car for a friend!.!.!.

Loves’ Confidant

Dear Friend,
do not think me the fool
I take hope and joy in my
Service to all
I am the friend to any
who will take me
But I envy You
Yours is the wider path
Less pain
Less scars
you have Less to lose
Wars are fought
because of you
when they began with me
by you,
are sustained
Innocents holds my hand
but they most always…
trade me in
for you…
For you are hate…

I know it is short… but I need to know if this has any value… and what do you think of the message…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Profound and quite unique, this poem is exceptional!. The perspective is very unusual, the fact that Love and Hate are companions!. I find that quite thought provoking!. The truth is in your poem!. It has a powerful and dynamic message!. I love it!. It will stay with me for a while!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Granny - this is an old concept made new!. The strengths of Love and Hate are deceiving!. Hate is a strong vibe, easily felt - it feeds the soul and promises fulfillment - but the only thing gained - is more of itself at the price of others!. Love is hardly ever felt - it is like a breeze on the wind - yet it promises nothing - but if honored - will give you peace and life everlasting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow this is so great and so powerful!.I loved your words and yours is the wider path less pain less scars !.!.I like how it started like a love poem and how it got more to the core of the poem and then in your face brutal honesty!.!.Really nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first glance, mainly at the title, I see this as a love poem!.!.!. but it is a hate poem!.!.!. not the concept, the character!.!.!. I love how you make Love and Hate into friends!.!.!. it is an interesting look at life!.!.!. you are the Hanged Man!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I both love and hate this,,, really, no pun intended!. The perception of hate is altered here!.!.!. not sure what I think!. I like the voice and the fact that it is like a letter to hate!.!.!. I never envy hate!.!.!. but nor do I love!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Hey I got you!" Where!?" " Here diagonally!" "Pretty sneaky sis!." Anyways yes I like message I didn't see that one coming!.!.very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very good, very good!. i got chillsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A very thoughtful poem!. It is an unusual idea to show love using hate as a confidant, and also to imagine love having the more difficult path to follow!.!.!.!.!.and to end with the pessimistic view that most of us abandon love for hate!.!.!.and you so young!

If you had been born a hundred years ago you would be writing this with the personification of love and hate as Persephone and Lucifer (no idea if the first name is anything to do with love!) or something!.

slight tinkering - if I may!?
Would confidante be better than confidant!? (loves' confidant!.!.!.!.maybe to the not so well educated this could read as Love's confident!.!.!.but, I suppose we mustn't spoon feed 'em!.

I take hope and joy from my existence - perhaps
or I feel hope and joy in my existence
Innocents hold my hand!.!.!.!.or
Innocence holds my hand!.!.!.!.!.!.either work well!.
Capital letter for that last Hate!.!.!.!.or is that perhaps going a bit over the top!?
I end here with another resounding 'Well done'Www@QuestionHome@Com