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Position:Home>Poetry> A short poemI lie very much, how bout you,?

Question: A short poemI lie very much, how bout you,!?
"sky of dragons"

Eve of life
Gods are furious,
The fading life,
my defender!.
Embrace me now
the wind howls cold!.
strength is gone,
my hope is lost!.
Light now fades,
dragons arise,
Heading to the sky again !. the age off the damned
Feel the rage
that conquers all!.
Love it starts to fade,
I amde it hrough the rage
so bad
Life now starts to fade away,
I'll fry in Satan's
Kiss me I am in painWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hi, it's me again!. i will tell you the truth!. that's why i call it light, but i have already entered your darkness to speak to you, ok!? i will interpret your poem, and i believe it is basically true, whether YOU realize it or not!. pain' you know, we all experience a lot of pain, but yours is particularly acute, for some known and unknown reasons!. in general terms, it's acute because you can't share it, fear that you can't escape it, fear it, and it's extinguishing your hope that life can be liveable!. i am bipolar manic depressive!. i hvae always been!. i went into thehospital three times in 1984 after my divorse, and was down to broke financially, sitting in a mental hospital in agony - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and it didn't go away!. it took about 22 years before i could say i feel ok or good!. so pain, i've been there and i've done that!. the worst pain is lost hope!. here, i kiss you!. kiss!. you will heal,; you float in and out, but you need SOMETHING to believe in besides pain itself, or else it will have encompaased you and your reality!. you believe that it is a good statistical probability the sun will not rise tomorrow morning, but the earth will continue spinning on its axis, and the sun will appear to ris, and that's what we say!. so you believe in something, even if it's just mathematics!. also, poetry is therapy, you don't need a the-rapist, because life is rape, and i don't blame you for being angry, even embracing your anger!. because anger induces endorphin flow!. when a person is in pain, beyond a certain point, the emotion/ mental balance gets tipped toward the emotional, and the emotions overwhelm the brain, and logic becomes irrelevant, because you have to deal with the pain first!. just know that i know, i have a lot of pain too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very mystic and pessimistic too!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree its pessimistic if u r actually feelin dat!.!.!.but its different !.!.!.!.idea is goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I`LL FRY IN SATANS FLAMES', What a unbelievable group
of words!. Glad you are back, your poems are ok by me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the thought and idea scrambled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com