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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my poem? I call it "Handle With Care"?

Question: Do you like my poem!? I call it "Handle With Care"!?
I didnt know what love was until I saw her,
She looked like an Angel and I gotta know her,
I would have told her then that she was the only one I could love in this dieing world,
But the simple word called love is such a dead and overrated word which looks so blurred!.

Why did you make fun of me,
U think its funny; but why cant you see that you are hurting me,
Why do you want me to separate myself from who I really am,
I cant believe I fell right into ur plan,
I Am sorry that I am not like one of those dreamy guys you see on TV,
Thats one thing I am not and never will be!.

U were from such a perfect world,
A world that threw me away and broke me into pieces,
U are such a special and perfect girl,
Yeah,u are so very special,
I wish I was special,

Now u have taken everything!.What else could u possibly want from me,
Just take it! Take whats left from my broken pieces and let me be,

U left a dark hole in my heart,
We didnt handle with care,
Now its torn in the end and we can never repairWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
start writing a book! i'll be the first one buying it!.
seriously, i love your song, feel really sorry 4 your broken heart and that girl (such a ******)!.
you have a gift!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, cool, just one bad thing (sorry) : Why did you make fun of me,
U think its funny; (you're repeating and it doesn't sound that cool :(
good luck with the writing, U've got talentWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow you write good poems!!! you should start writing a book full of poems! or start entering some contests! you could be rich lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!.!.!.good job!.!.!.10/10Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i love your poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

Didnt read it but im sure i wouldntWww@QuestionHome@Com

Freak Show,
Here is one way to learn about love
with the line I didn't know what love was
until I saw her!.
It also mentions about the good times
along with bad
Good things like you are so special
but don't sell yourself short!.
You are someone special too
we all are!.
Questions like why did you make fun of me!?
you are also learning of the pain!.
The lines of U left a dark hole in the heart
meaning heartbroken
Now its torn in the end and we can never repair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com