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Position:Home>Poetry> In praise of BEARD?

Question: In praise of BEARD!?
My friends couldnt resist quoting this nice poem in praise of BEARD!. Now, my close friends who have added me to Yahoo messenger, know that I am clean shaven and perhaps look like a typical urban professional!. Alas my profession wont allow for the presence of symbiotic bacteria living in the crevices of a beard!.

But a beard is a beard, is a beard, no matter how small it is !! So those who have a majestic beard (like my Avtaar) here is a poem:

There is beauty in the beard
Aye, there is beauty in the beard!

When the lion roars all the animals submit
For the lion is the king of the jungle
The lion with its glorious mane
And a man grows his mane in pride
Showing the rest of humanity that he is to be respected
Can one imagine a lion without its mane!?
Nay, thou canst not!
Then imagine a man without his beardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rehman my friend, I enjoyed the poem & you thoughts on the matter!. Like the answerer above, I don't like beards much!. I guess Santa Claus looks OK in one though! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ah Rehman, I hate beards on some people, others look OK!. Have you always noticed it's the people they suit least always have them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good Poem!.!.!.!.
