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Position:Home>Poetry> *fAlling in pieces..* a poem. you like? its one of my oldies hehe?

Question: *fAlling in pieces!.!.* a poem!. you like!? its one of my oldies hehe!?
I’m falling apart into small pieces

I feel alone and not needed

I should have never been born

They should have terminated me

Just like HE wanted to

I feel weird and stupid

I want to be alone and just die…


And go to a place called heaven


I cry tears of anger

I cry tears of sadness

I don’t cry tears of happiness

Because I haven’t been happy for ages

I’m a bomb ready to explode

But all the chemicals hold me inside

I want to be in a world of peace

Where there is no war or agony

I’m filled inside

With disgust and lost joy

There is a war fighting within me

That I can’t control

I’m ready to explode

And sooner or later

I’m going to let everyone see
The other side of me

No one understands what I feel inside

And they will never know

Who I really am

They will rely on what is givenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
come out of your dark room and play outsidee!.!. so depressing!.!. good poem but depressing!. seriously get out more lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like your bomb simile, and how you wish that you would explode, good organic imagery!. I often feel like you have felt, like I am alone in this world and no one will understand the pain and sorrow!. Now that you feel better you should write some new optimistic poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com