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Position:Home>Poetry> Please review my poem?

Question: Please review my poem!?
I miss the old you!.
the one who loved me!.
the one who cared!.
the one who protected me
when i was sad or scared!.
I miss your smile
the one that i used to see
you still give a smile
But it is no longer for me
I Miss your hugs
that made you a friend
I used to get them daily
but those days came to an end!.
I miss you
your words,and kindness
and your humor and care!.
I cant find these features of you anymore
i cant find them anywhere!.
I miss the old you

That is it!. Please critique it, be honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
excellent ! what comes from the heart is always beautiful!. write more and next time try some ancient words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it!.!.!.its honest!.!.!.!.and easy to relate to

i write poetry myself!.!.!.but find it hard to write with simpicity like you have done!.!.!.id love to be able to cos!.!.!.to me it's just truth honestly!.!.!.and utmost bout expressing your feelingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg i luv this poem and it relates to me so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com