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Position:Home>Poetry> Care for some stimulation?

Question: Care for some stimulation!?

Sanity awaits those minds that
travel to regions uncharted vast
imagining images inking pages
mysterious and mystical all
until visions release their reason
like books with words finally there!.
All’s needed is a dreamers mind
to taste the hidden worlds and
enjoy the sanity feast!. Welcome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Verily, there is no denyinG
Each word raises your egO
Read them, then say hellO
You're the best in the 'hooD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is really well written!. It stimulates and throws a light into how ultimately the mind of a poet works!. I'll sit and grow like a tree, that was first a bush, into the heights of sublime, first kissing the thick air damned with pollutants of human nature, but then attaining strength enough to branch into the thin atmospheres of absolute mental power and bliss, unraveling the mysteries and seeking perfection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am getting boss-eyed here trying to read subliminal messages which aren't there!!

As these lines aren't keeping a set rhythm - I would prefer
All that's needed is a dreamer's mind!.
but, heh, that's just me!.
I reckon most non-poets would say you would need an insane mind to do what we do!.

You got me here on false pretences I was hoping for something more erotic - only joking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I've said before, a picture is not necessarily worth one thousand words!. Sometimes a poem is worth a thousand pictures, allowing the reader to dream, stimulating the intelligence and the imagination, bringing the reader to unknown lands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Care for a cup of alliteration!? Can't have one!.!.!.this one has just enough! Worlds upon worlds, upon worlds!.!.!.and poetry is in all!.!.!.isn't that wonderful!
Good poem to wake up to!.!.!.invegle upon!.!.!.ingest, and mull through the day!. Sanity is in my suitcase, ready to world-travel today!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well said, and so early in the morning!. We all need to remember that dreaming is a source of rejuvenation to the mind and spirit!.

I like the way this poem comes full circle, with sanity in the first and last lines!. That ties it up neatly!.

Nice poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could less what it is but I like it!. You paint the thoughts of a mind, sane or insane, yet to be known but is seen by all!. Dreamers are special people, Dag Drahmr is one!.
Question what does dag drahmr mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've just awakened!. I'm feeling a bit insane after reading your poem!. My mind is not functioning yet - lol!. Good Morning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of my dreams are so crazy I wonder about myself and the uncharted vast imaginings I have!. I like your poem very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it acrostic day today!? I am going back to my den then!.!.!.

I truly enjoyed this!. Very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That vast pages all reason there mind and welcomeWww@QuestionHome@Com