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Question: Poem topic!? Want to help!?
Either a topic or just one line to go in the poem PLEASE!
Best line/topic = 10 pts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some odd fallen feather on the breath of wind
What is it!?
Where is it from!?

A tingling, tittering frostbitten flower, anxious for the moon to fall!.!.!.

A dance on the sun, to dine on the Moon!.!.!.

The ever ongoing fight of mortal and Majesty, skies save the queen!

The death of a fairytale prince!.!.!. in the arms of the girl he has saved with a kiss!.!.!.

The world is full of them!.!.!. and so am I!.!.!. I love Q!.s like this one, you give us a chance to be creative and help others in the process!.!.!.

Blessed BeWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you want something unique, instead of something cliche or over-done, try this: find an object within your view!.!.!.a desk, a chair, a table, a book, a crumpled up sock!.!.!.and write a poem about it!. Sounds weird, but you'll find that it is actually easier to write about something mundane when you look at it "poetically"!. For example, the crumpled sock might be your older brother's who has gone to war, to college, or passed away untimely, and the sock becomes more than a sock, it becomes the last thing you have of your brother!.!.!.see what I mean!? It isn't the object itself, it's the hidden meaning "you" see in the object that you need to write about!.!.!.that is what makes it "unique"!.!.!.your view, your perspective!.!.!.and poems done like this are almost always original because nobody sees something personal to you the way "you" do!. Since this is obviously a homework assignment, you'll also score more points for originality and innovative thought!.!.!.don't try to rhyme, try to create the images you see in your head in crisp, clear thought!.!.!.here's an example:

I hadn't noticed it there before
the crumpled sock gone unnoticed
since he went off dressed in uniform
Just one, not two, a mate no longer
Like him, like me, apart, yet one


hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

First off what is your topic or subject your writing a poem about if it's mother day goggle poems then look at the lines and construct your own poem from various of lines you take out of the on line poems!.

If it's not mother day then how is anyone going to help you with a poem without specifics!?!?!?

Beth :) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about a favorite child-hood memory!.!.!. I would write about my Grandpa grilling out during the summer when I'd go stay with my grandparents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive and eyecatching!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Glistening raindrops turn to dirty puddlesWww@QuestionHome@Com