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Question: Finding an alliteration poem!?
I need to do a project on alliteration and one of the requirements is a poem that exhibits alliteration!. I was going to use "The Raven," but my english teacher does not like Poe at all, and the poem is way too long for me anyway (we have to read them out loud)!. I'm trying to look around on the internet but I can't find any that I like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is one that I wrote last summer!. You are welcome to use it if you like: Don't use my name; you can say Its anonymous:

Sights and Sounds at the Seashore

Summer’s shimmering sizzling sun
Shining silently on the shore,
Signifying a special season’s start,
And showing some of what’s in store!.

Some swim, some surf, some search for shells
Sunbathers seek smooth solitary spaces!.
Sandcastles suddenly shape the sand
Showing seasonal scenes sublime!.

Here is some of the best examples of alliteration I've ever found on the internet!. Hope you can use them:

Author: Jacinta Mary Ramayah, Malaysia

Antelopes are amiable animals,
Buffaloes, bullish, butting boors,
Cougars creep craftily up crags,
Ducks dip delightfully in ditches!.

Exotic eagles espy earthy eelworms,
Fierce falcons feast on fishes,
Goats greedily gobble green grass,
Hares hop happily near hedges!.

Iguanas inhabit inhospitable islands,
Jaybirds jabber jauntily,
Kangaroos knee you with knockout kicks
Llamas lug large loads lithely!.

Monkeys are munching, muttering mimickers,
Nightingales and nightjars, nocturnal nesters,
Oxen overloaded, overworked owsen
Parrots prettily parody persons!.

Quixotic quails quiver quietly,
Robin red-breasts are restful roosters,
Stallions, stunning speeding steeds,
Tawny tigers are terrifying treaders!.

Unique unicorns are unavailable now,
Vicious vultures are virtually vile,
Whales wallow in warm waters
Xeruses are xeric squirrels of Africa's wild!.

Young yaks yare on mountains yonder
Zany zebras zip past zephyrs!.
Animals are beautiful creatures of the earth
And humans should be their kind masters!.
Here's another of her poems:

Author: Jacinta Mary Ramayah, Malaysia

Reminding rituals to recoup and rethink,
To recall and repair remorseful reviewing!.
To rekindle relationships with rapid replies,
To resolve rackety rows with reasonable revives!.
Replanning and resolving,repenting rude remarks,
Resisting ruses and being ready for recurring retards!.

Good luck!. They are almost tongue twisters, but They are uniquely alliteration poems, written solely for that purpose!. If you use any of them, practice reading them aloud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't think "The Raven" was an alliteration!. I thought an alliteration was one where the majority of the words stared with the same letter/sound!.!.!. for example "Six Spotted Snakes, Sipping Cinnimon Cider, And Stared At Sam, A Passing Spider"!. Lol, I got that from my little brother's poem worksheet he brought home on Friday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com