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Position:Home>Poetry> My first attempt at a tyburn... Care to comment?

Question: My first attempt at a tyburn!.!.!. Care to comment!?
In the midst of darkness, sadness reigns,
Captive is the freeness, pureness feigns!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This was rather deep!. I did like it!. As I said when you wrote it!. Remember this!? "Beat that sucka!!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.I don't really understand:"captive is the freeness"!. Shouldn't it be "captivity"!? Or you used "captive" because of the syllables!? My dictionary says "reign" is a noun, the verb is "reign in" :S And I think there is a slight difference between "pureness" and "purity"!.!.!.and what is freeNESS!? you know my school leaving exam for English is on Thursday, so don't confuse me :P I hope you will cross your fingers for me on Thursday, I'm quite nervous about my exam!. BUT, I did get what you wrote about; it reminds me of a book I have read recently about people with mental disorders!. Let me give it a try(however it may not be a tyburn, so you can correct me :D):

In the soft cage of your fake freeDOM, :P
And you think it's a real kingdom!.

And "real" consists of two syllables! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Such Finesse! Brava Sista!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well done! True to form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com