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Position:Home>Poetry> Her. a poem. its about my ex gf.?

Question: Her!. a poem!. its about my ex gf!.!?
opinions and critique is welcome, only if its constructive!. I wont take bashing or else u will be reported!. thanks!.

She smiles to hide her pain,
She laughs to cover up her tears,
Long sleeve shirts to cover the scars,
Music and Lyrics to drown her fears!.

I’m alright is all she says,
Tormented in the present from her past,
She’s in a new relationship every month,
It’s sad that none of them will last!.

She pushes those who care away,
And keeps the deceitful ones so close,
I am among the ones, who stayed,
I swept up the pieces every time she broke!.

In the shadows I hide,
Waiting for her to need me there,
She doesn’t know that I know,
She is broken beyond repair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like you really care about this s l u t, trust me, they ain't worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm no expert!. Yahoo! tagged me with the orange thing!. Let me offer my critique!. For someone who is new to the English language, you did OK!. Your poetic skills are not demonstarted well here!. We can't tell when she is we or he!. Just my opinion, sans ruth, whatever that is!. TDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Really nice o_o thats so sweet =x hope she gets better if not!.!.try taking her to do something she enjoys :DD or see and try to fix up why she keeps getting hurt like that!.!.dunno =x good luck tho :D nice poem <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like a friend in need!.
well written and feel the emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good one dude!. its really touching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com