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Position:Home>Poetry> Short poem. called eyes?

Question: Short poem!. called eyes!?
Can eyes really speak!?
If so, what do mine say!?
Can you read betrayal and deceit!?
Threw tears and ruthless dismay!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ignore your first comment!. They delight in berating poetry, and used to state so on their profile!. While this is short, I do not believe that it lacks depth!. The eyes are the window to the soul, and your quatrain illustrates that quite well!. The only thing that you should change is the spelling of "threw", the word that you actually want is "Through!." also, if it were my work, I wouldn't end every line on a question!. I would combine lines three and four with a comma because "through tears and ruthless dismay" does not stand by itself as a question!. All in all though, good poem, short, sweet, to the point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lie-ke it!
Interesting use of "threw"!.!.!.

"ruth true!.!.!.
her aim was threw"
I feel another one coming!.!.!.
(Help!.!.!.it's starting again!.!.!.!
Oh what a tangled web we weevil
When first we practice to decievil!.!.!.)

<edit> Chillax there Tom!.!.!.
Twas a play on "truth" using "ruth"!.!.!.
Your abuse is worthy of a prince!.
And I think you should leave the typo in!. I really like "threw tears"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

really good, but do you mean trough -like it went through the window- in the last line!?
becasue its spelled like threw (I threw the ball- past tense of throw)

Not meaning to be picky, but it threw me off (no pun intended)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i cant read betrayal or deceit
but i read a poem that is bad!.
seriously i dont know if you wrote this, but if you did you should feel shame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What exactly is ruth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com