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Question: Music to recite poetry to!?
in language arts i have to recite a poem to music!.
i thought maybe i could recite the My Favorite Things poem i wrote, to the My Favorite Things instrumental, but i cant find the music!.
can anyone help me with that, or help me think of a good poem/music!?
due tomorrow!. :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If your poem is written in a different rhythm to My Favourite Things it will clash horribly!. also, the words of the song would be in your listeners' mind and that would distract your audience and prevent them concentrating on what you are saying!.

What is the mood of your poem!? Is it uplifting!? By the title it sounds as if it is!.!.!.!.!.so, look through your record collection for some happy music (preferably without words) and try saying your poem as it plays - see if they mesh!.

I have a CD of Pablo Neruda's poetry read by famous actors over music but I think the music was especially written for each poem, so you wouldn't be able to get hold of it!. Unless you have access to Limewire!. The CD is called The Postman (Il Postino)

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com