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Position:Home>Poetry> Should i finish this poem?

Question: Should i finish this poem!?
i feel so unloved
with every scream you make
still i move forward
with every thing you take!.
no looking back now
i don`t know what i`m gonna do
your love is hard love
slowly i learn to see through!.
this paine makes me so alive
so i guess this is my thank you
i`m better than any time before
all because of things you put me throughWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why not, Dude!? There is nothing better (or more difficult) than
putting down feelings on paper!. Remember, you ain't writing for anyone but yourself --- any other reader, including the "You" who the poem addresses is an accidental encounter!. !.!.!. i mean, like you planned the whole relationship from the very beginning, right!?
!.!.!.!.write write write!. don't give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It needs more concrete images!.!.!. it's too abstract, and the theme is a little overdone!.!.!. and not interesting!.

Unless of course you aren't writing for anyone other than yourself!. in that case, go for it!. Get those feelings down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure but i dont think it makes since you need to change it up a little bit but its good from what i can tellWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. It's done from where I'm sitting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com