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Position:Home>Poetry> Can anyone help me analize the poem father death blues by ginsberg?

Question: Can anyone help me analize the poem father death blues by ginsberg!?
i need to analize this poem by monday!. help pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.why don't you post the poem too!?
well I can give it a try!.
First of all mention in which year it was written!. You should read the poet's biography to check if he had any personal experiences/events at that time in his life that inspired him to write this poem!. I hope you can do this by yourself!.
That's how I would analise it:
He starts the poem with an approaching "Hey Father Death!.!.!.", it makes me feel like he wasn't afraid of death, like death was an old friend of his!. "I'm flying home," he goes on: it means he is going to die, the home symbolizes death!. In the second stanza he talks about death as a complete family, which is united underneath the floor-in tombs!. The first four stanzas of the poem follow this concept!. It makes the poem surrealistic, as well as grotesque, because he talks about death in a casual, joking way: "Old Aunty Death Don't hide your bones"!. In the fourth stanza he talks about the relatives of the departed!. They cry for the dead, who has no feelings anymore: "Pain is gone, tears take the rest"!. In the next stanza death has a new meaning: death is the art and lover, which are already gone!. Then he repeats the very fist line again, it is an anaphora!. Then he calls death his guru, his teacher, and thanks death for inspiring him to write this poem/blues!. He wakes with death and always finds something new in it, death is everywhere, even his LIFE is about death!. The last stanza again starts with "Father death", so the first and last stanzas give the poem a frame!. I'm not sure what the last stanza means, it is a very interesting statement!. We think time is not still at all, it's always moving and changing, however when you think not about the shortness of human life, you realise that compared to the lives of stars and planets and the whole universe, our time is nothing, only a second, therefor still!.
The structure of the poem: it consists of 8 three-lined stanzas!. Apart form the first and the last stanza, all the lines rhyme with each other in each stanza!.
Poetical instruments: accosting("Hey Father Death, Mother Death, etc!.", solicitations("Don't cry"), repetition (Death, "I'm coming home"), alliteration("Tearful truths"), comparison("My heart is still as time")

Well, I hope I helped you!. I'm not really sure how you do it in America or England, so I did it the way we learn it in Hungarian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is there anymore to it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com