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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone know any good poem sites?

Question: Does anyone know any good poem sites!?
I need to find a poem that shows how your identity changes/ how you become who you are!. The only problem is that i don't know where I can find sites about his type of poem!. If you know any good poems that have to do with this topic, or a good site, please tell me!! You would be the biggest help to me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's a poem I did!. (Sorry I lost it and only remember a couple lines!. These weren't next to each other in the poem!. Sorry!)

My mouth was still quite full of braces,
And I still had curves in all the wrong places!.
The change was not each imperfect part,
Only I knew, the change was in my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

heres my blog of poems hope you they help in any way :)
also comment if you like!Www@QuestionHome@Com
