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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone else NOT understand William Blake's poetry?

Question: Does anyone else NOT understand William Blake's poetry!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is easier to understand his poetry if you know what affected his works!. Example, the revolution, the concerns of the Romantic period, and the social situation at that moment!. Hope this will help you better understand Blake cause he's a really great poet!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of it contains obscure mythological and theological references!. Having said that, you can get hold of good annotated volumes of his poetry!.

"Songs of Innocence" was a collection of Christian poems written for children, and the poems in there are fairly easy to understand!. For example, The Chimney Sweeper:

When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!
So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep!.

There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,
That curled like a lamb's back, was shaved: so I said,
"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare,
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair!."

And so he was quiet; and that very night,

As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight, -
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black!.

And by came an angel who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins and set them all free;
Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
And wash in a river, and shine in the sun!.

Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind;
And the angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,

He'd have God for his father, and never want joy!.

And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark,
And got with our bags and our brushes to work!.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty they need not fear harm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont,
everyone thinks its strange that i dont,
but i cant help it,
i just cant get my head around it,
but i still think that he is a good poet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can occasionally get a bit strange but that's not surprising as he was high on drugs half the time - think 19th century flower power!Www@QuestionHome@Com

somtimes i don't somtimes i doWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some I do, some I dont!. But 'The Tyger' has to be one of the most brilliant poems ever!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You, probably!. Who set fire to the tiger, then!?Www@QuestionHome@Com