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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you seen a Tyburn wrestler?

Question: Have you seen a Tyburn wrestler!?
Dedicated to the poor souls, losers to the gator Tyburn!.

The Alligator Wrestler

Now Tyburn was a smallish gator
and as gators go, he was odd!.
Loved to move to patterns
even chewed the same

Many came to wrestle him
fit, strong, headstrong too!.
But Tyburn just smiled the
old gator grin and dined again

But oh did he love biscuits
even stale, he would sit and beg
Biscuit man always brought biscuits,
laying them down to Tyburn’s delight

But up from the west rose Bayard Lady!.
I’ll tame that Tyburn gator…just you watch!
Oh the great wrestling match was on
But in the end, the gator grinned again

Now from across yonder pond
Rose a granny, fit and spry
And while we slept she wrestled and won!.
Poor Tyburn, never knew the cockney way!

Tis a moral somewhere sure
maybe acrostic for all we know!.
Perhaps Bayard will fill us in…
as she plates her muffins with preservesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Biscuits, muffins, preserves! I enjoyed this very much!. Wrestling with patterns is the only worthy sport!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be mentioned in despatches!.!.!.!.!.and to be amongst the exalted!.!.!.!.!.I've finally become somebody instead of being a nobody!.
Caroo, Carey - oh happy day (or summat)

I'm not a flippin' cockney, I'm a country bumpkin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sparring is a game I mainly draw away from, most especially
when I don't know the rules or all the players history, But your
poem is dark, light, deep and foremost interesting as usual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bayard can't quit laughing!.!.!.drat you! Contemplating naming the stray cat who has shown up!.!.!.Tyburn!. Actually, that sounds rather British, perchance Granny knows!? Grinning Gators, my foot! (I've spilled my coffee!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very clever!. The Tyburn is worse than a gator; at least you don't have a headache left after you wrestle with him!. Of course, you don't have a head either!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deeeelightful! A folktale-poem you have here!. Story is fun and enlightening! What in the blazes is this Tyburn thing!? Has it been created here, or an established form of poetry!?

Good Morning!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting! If I did not have to go to work I would study this a little longer!. A lot of underlining messages and inside jokes but not bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's a Tyburn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com