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Position:Home>Poetry> What type of Rhyme and metre is this poem using?

Question: What type of Rhyme and metre is this poem using!?
what type of rhyme and metre is this question using!?
Phillip Rush's "Bushwalking"

What inspires a man to climb
The mountains in the autumn-time!?
Is it just because they're there!?
Or for some idiotic dare!?
Or just to prove one's fit enough
To complete a climb that's tough!?
Each one of these, at times, is right;
But others climb for sheer delight!.

Not for the joy of aching knees,
Or scrambling over fallen trees!.
Not for the joy of carrying packs
That cause so many aching backs!.
Not for the beads of perspiration,
But for the pure inspiration
Of living pictures unsurpassed
When one gains the peak, at last!.

A city dweller cannot see
The view that lies in front of me,
As wearily I sit me down
On Acropolis' crown!.
How can one describe the thrills,
As row on row of distant hills
Unfold before my very eyes
Beneath the blue autumnal skies!?
And my mountain throne commands
Views of jeweled alpine tarns,
While patches of the brilliant snow
Reflect the sunlight's mystic glow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The poem uses "full" or "perfect" rhyme (as opposed to half or slant rhyme)!. It's meter varies!.!.!.the first line starts on the wrong foot, but would otherwise be "iambic tetrameter", the second line "is" iambic tetrameter, then the third line repeats the pattern of the first, then lines four and five return to iambic tetrameter again, line six starts with the wrong foot again, then seven and eight are back to full iambic tetrameter!. So, although there are variations, the "basic" meter is iambic tetrameter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can easily answer this question yourself!. just put a letter to each couplet, and then look at it!. the poem isn't good enough for me to read the whole thing and figure out the rhyme scheme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rhyming couplets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com