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Position:Home>Poetry> OPEN! I'm 14 and loove writing! Please Comment!?

Question: OPEN! I'm 14 and loove writing! Please Comment!!?
I sat
day by day
by my
bay window
awaiting the rain to cease!.
it just increased!.
Slapping the ground
with force and power
minute by minute,
hour by hour!.
I stared blankly,
at the dull
and all appeared hopeless!.
A mess
of thunder clouds!.
a silver lining
soon appeared,
erasing the dullness
which I had once feared!.
My friend
soon walked through
the door,
dripping and wet
all over my floor,
yet so inviting
on this rainy day!.
A friend is
constantly there,
to care,
through the
the bad,
and all the in betweens!.
Apprieciate the ones
you have,
so loyal and true,
like a burst of sunshine
on a rainy day,
be sure to pull through, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Keep writing, then write some more, and then some more and more after that!.
If you are a true writer then you will always write, no matter how much or little you get paid!. It is in your blood!.
Good Luck

A Literature teacherWww@QuestionHome@Com

I say this could be a great song!.

As a poem, I thought it was great, however, I didn't like the way you set up your lines!. Now you probably had a great purpose for it, but I didn't catch it!. It was hard for me to understand the poem, because I was stuck on trying to understand the line set up!.

Otherwise, I thought it was great!. And if you play the piano or guitar, I think you could make a song that way, because this is talented!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This style reminds me a lot of my own, random line breaks, unintentional internal rhyme, so of course I like it!. But I also like the message, it is very much NOT what I was writing at fourteen, which makes it twice as good in my eyes!. Keep on the optimistic track, it will do you good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when you feel your heart
start pounding,
whenever you see clouds above
with gladness and brightness,
now, is the day to write a poem
that will make a heart of sorrow
feel secure!.
by the arms of your poetry, with soul that is sincere!.!.!.

i just tried!.!.!.it but your good improve it moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's amazing, please keep going!Www@QuestionHome@Com

NNaawww that poems beautiful!.!. I wish i could write lyk that!!!
lol!!! I really like how u managed to put a message in there about appriecieating the friends or family u have!!

Wow, that was intense! Good job, I'd never be able to right a deep poem like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could be a songwriter!. =)
Keep up the good work!. I love writing also!. Love those words!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! really good writing! do more, please!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously love it! The only thing that I'm picky about is only having a few words in each line, but once again, that's just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com