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Question: An Acrostic!.!.!.!.!.a single acrostic!.!.!.!.do you like it!?
Here is an acrostic!.!.!.!.!.!.just to join the seas of acrostics here!.!.!.but it is a single acrostic!.!.!.i dont think i could make a double or triple the way other do!.!.!.so how is this one!? do you like it!?

Large are these houses where one find,
Industries of the human mind:
Bound and amassed in paper banks,
Rough, smooth and some of highest ranks;
And there are stored the treasures old,
Rare, rare and precious fruits of gold:
Indited by the quills of men,
Einstein and Keats, and of women
Sylvia Plath and DickinsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have a card, it makes me grin
I have a bag, to carry books in
I go before lunch, I go before diner
I go all the time, summer and winter
I meet up with Einstein, Chaucer and Finch
I have snacks with Fuller, Shaw and with Lynch!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice acrostic!. Does anyone go to a library in this time of the Internet!? One suggestion: In verse #1, add a word before "find,": "where one may find," because in English you must say "one finds!." Yes, the library is filled with treasures and there is nothing more satisfying than turning the pages of a real, paper book!.

Addition: Yes, I like "you" better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since reading has gotten to be somewhat of a chore, consisting of large print books, CCTV magnifiers, and screen magnification programs, I don't get to the library as often now!. Although I have been more lately since they have started carrying audio books for the visually impaired!. I also have some eye surgery scheduled which will either help or make it worse!. Am hopeful!. They are going to work on the retinas and hope they don't become detached!. I make enough typos now without having to try touch typing!. Very good Library acrostic!. I like the ones that rhyme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Greeting me as I open the page
Reads a poem for my mind to cage
Elated I am to find out what it's about
An acrostic poem giving me a shout
To the words my eyes read
Jovial words which will always lead
On it's way the poem goes
Books carry it to find friends not foesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Arrrggghhhh!.!.!.!.Jay! I'm on semester break holiday now!. I seriously do not wanna think of libraries and the canonical poets at the moment pleaseee! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lovely! One of my most favorite places to be!. You can't curl up with "Google" on a cold rainy night!.!.!.but you can with a book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is something I tip my
hat too!.
Always, we should return to simplicity,
never forgetting humble roots in our
search for grandeur!.Www@QuestionHome@Com