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Position:Home>Poetry> What are your interpretations of this poem?

Question: What are your interpretations of this poem!?
I am not asking for critiques, just responses to the content both implied and actual!.!.!.
Now, I know how much you admire one
Who is pure as the first Winter snow;
But it's hard to keep from getting hit with the sludge
When you're on the streets and it's 20 below!.
There is no real merit in that paragon of virtue
When innocence must be lost
Not to the ones that hurt you,
But to the hardships that incur
When the victim is shunned;;
As if the abuse they had suffered
Were what they had become!.
Sadly, this prophecy
May be self-fulfilling,
In exile, one survives
By trickery and by stealing,
Or selling the body
In a futile helplessness,
Which serves to further isolate-
And melts to grey a spirit
Once pure as any!.!.!.
In this manner,
Evil is created by the many!.

I will leave a point to ponder
As you sit safe in your shelter:
Think of that victim now!.
I know you've seen her-
Have you ever FELT her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is the first think I perceive!. The poet is still very much affected by guilt, which is not hers, but the victimizers who if they had "felt" her!.!.!.looked into her, from a respectful, honourable perspective, not from a neglectful, opportunistic EVEN predatory one, would have never taken advantage of an innocent!. of the person, (pure of heart) who was the very personification of virtue!.
However, Lovechilde, if one is born with purity of heart and is that person's nature to maintain it , no matter what, no matter what vileness, cruel intention, neglect, opportunistic or predatory tests and challenges she comes to face and endure, that person does not change as far as her purity is concerned!.
The "sludge", the ignominy whether realized or not is the victimizer's!. Now there's the wretched creature, not only sludged by his/her own deeds, but IS : SLUDGE!

Life, unfortunately, is filled with more immoral, and amoral doers that the pure of heart!. And yet if to every single person pure of heart, there are 5 thousand of the voided of soul, the hungry ghosts, the gray beings who have bled themselves of sanguineness, honour, respect for others because NO MATTER WHAT THOSE PURE OF HEART HAVE BEEN THROUGH they are spiritually untouchable!.

If anyone is to be pitied more than the one who has suffered horrors at the hands of a lost soul, IS that Lost Soul!. For they have forfeited the opportunity, the effort made and maintained to be pure of heart!. They "sell out" because to them integrity is a very foreign word never to be, and further never to be understood in their vocabulary!.

Of course the victim suffers, but imagine being someone who is gouged out of HEART!. Imagine the poison that person represents!. Sometimes to such an extreme, that he/ she does not allow that horrible knowledge to sink in, be realized!. His own punishment is being alike a plague or a horrendous walking infection the world!. And every time they touch an innocent they may leave a trace of their great
disease temporarily!.!.!.but a pure heart always overcomes the infection!.
There is always, UNCHANGING virtue in the pure of heart!. Because that quality is so deep and integral!.
And if some foul human being who has forfeited the grace of his /her humanity is nothing but refuse!. Is nothing but someone in disguise who through the profanity of his selfish drives and guiles can do nothing else but rob, spoil, use, exploit anyone he co mes across!. And at some time that person becomes transparent, perhaps never to himself, because if he did recognize what he truly was, beneath his lies, exploits, abominations - he'd be so sickened he's d have to destroy himself!. So he continues the only behaviour he knows which becomes state of the art, and is so dreadfully, damagingly harmful to others!.

All of us have flaws of character, Lovechilde, Life tests the very best of us!.!.!.it is a tough life, and it has got to influence us!.!.!.but it does not rob us of who we intrinsically are; especially if we have remained by grace of character OF TRUE, and PURE HEART!.

I live alone!. But at any hour of the day can I go before the mirror and look deeply into myself, and know I am by far a much better person, than someone who is rotting from inside because they've betrayed the goodness, the initial purity of heart!.
I do this exercise every day; I draw a chair up to a mirror and will examine my expressions!. And especially my face and I know what these represent!.!.!.AND THEY ARE NOT THE REFLECTIONS of EVIL!. OF AN EVIL DOER!.

I also recognize all the pain I've gone through, but I must say, PAST much earlier stages of resentment, self-hatred, shame, regret, guilt felt when I had been helpless when I was abused, ABUSED severely myself, and I was!, I realize that I have a good heart and that no one could ever take it away!.
There was a time in my early teens when I showered in the dark!. If there was a mirror around in my space, I'd cover it!.!.!.for I was afraid that what I had gone through (if I looked) I'd see a deformity, a monster! That no longer happens and that is why I do this courageous exercise of self study everyday!.

The victim needs not an audience, Lovechilde, in order to
ask to know if she has been "felt", acknowledged, recognized of her virtues, forgiven for something she was helpless against having fallen victim to!.
All the pure of heart has to do, is FEEL, Be AWARE of that original purity of heart that by some divine perception has held that person maintain such a heart!.

Living in pain, after EXTREME PAIN has been experience is an act of self torture!. That is not necessary, That person needs to forgive herself, not for having fallen victim to wretched behaviour, dear, but FORGIVE herself for such an outlook maintained toward herself!.

Perhaps very few others will ever "feel" another, but that is not what is of dire importance!.
Rather, it is "FEELING: oneself that counts above all!.
Putting through one's chest an invisible hand which feel a good heart THERE, and NOT the VOID!

Have courage, do not feel anger or pity for yourself!. Thank whatever source of grace has maintained your heart in its' original condition!.
Such a HEART, is a precious, invaluable RARITY!.!.!.
!.!.!.and you have IT, Lovechilde, let the journey which has already started lead you all the way to the Light, from whatever,cruelest, most challenging obscurity! YESSS!?!?!?

Sincerely, your friend Grecia!.

P!.S!.There is something else I feel prompted to add to what I've written!. Above me someone said that in order to comprehend anyone as they may deserve, one has to have walked in their shoes!. I suppose, and I say it with a bit of hesitation, because I still remember very vividly The PAIN from my experiences!. One especially horrific, which happened when I was five and made me regress for a good part of a year afterwards!. I regressed to being a baby who did not speak but made sounds as a 6 months old would, drank only milk from a bottle and would not allow anyone to remove my clothes or shoes!. And I was usually curled up in the foetal position in and out of sleep through out the day!. I came out of it myself one day after about 8 months!. I heard these details from my parents!.
Then as I was growing up I felt tremendous anger and resentment to the person responsible for the deed that sent me into regression!.
But as I started to be a young woman, 18 and 19 and so on, I began to realize that what he did, the victimizer, where I did not, could not understand ITS' why-for, I'd never
EVEN begin to comprehend AT ALL, unless I placed my self in the mental state he was in!. His mind-frame!.
It took a lot of facing up to look keenly and more objectively to a few hours of horror which happened to me one day when I was caught alone by this man!. And as I walked through the Hellishness that must have been his mind, I also understood his pain!. And his pain was a life long torture for HIM who bore it!.
That must have been the first day of my reversal!. The hatred, the intense anger, my feelings of vengeance toward this man, became less!. I was no longer controlled as much by my own inherited negativity from what had occurred!. And I felt a certain relief, a release of bad energy which was now devouring me!. I began to add, compassion and empathy to sympathy to sympathy!. And it was a better thing as a replacement to self-consuming hot lava rage!.
It has been now, 24 years since this incident occurred!. Perhaps I haven't forgiven that terribly conflicted man altogether, but neither do I any more hate him, because I traveled a little through the horror of his own mind!. And where before I had always called him "the monster", never his name, I now, if I recall him, call him "OMAR"; His name!.
It is very difficult to forgive when pain is all you know but at some point you have to let pain go, as much as possible and yet without the denial that something horrific DID occur!.
Otherwise one also becomes a monster of a sort!.
Omar was a victim in his own way, I was a victim of his way!.
In some way we are all victims and victimizers!.
Some of us when faced with the choice which to be, may not be mentally capable to make the right choices!. Others less terribly, terminally impacted are clear enough and sensible to stop themselves!.
That is what I must have meant that more or less, but no one escapes, We are ALL Flawed, Lovechilde!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm assuming it's about the hardships of staying pure in a world that promotes sex and looks down on people who remain pure!.!.!.it's a very good poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gosh !.!.!. It sounds similar to the angry keyboard slamming I churn out!.!.!.

Its very very good !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well he's talking about how we love someone that is pure in their heart and he says "But it's hard to keep from getting hit with the sludge" which means, its so hard to keep pure with every thing going on around us!.!.!. and he said

"There is no real merit in that paragon of virtue
When innocence must be lost
Not to the ones that hurt you,
But to the hardships that incur
When the victim is shunned;;
As if the abuse they had suffered
Were what they had become "
which means we all loose our pureness, our innocence when things that happen in life,,, like when a girl gets raped!.!.!. she loses her innocence!.!.!. and when a man gets robbed, all he may want is get vengeance!.!.!. and he also says that to keep on being alive in this world many times you have to do things that you don't really want to do to survive
"In exile, one survives
By trickery and by stealing,
Or selling the body
In a futile helplessness,
Which serves to further isolate-
And melts to grey a spirit
Once pure as any!.!.!.
In this manner,
Evil is created by the many!."

evil is created in many ways, sometimes because of need, people steal, and sometimes they don't do it for fun, but for need!.!.!. that's why he says "Once pure as any!.!.!.
In this manner,
Evil is created by the many!."

and then he leaves us to reflect on the things that happen and the people we see passing by!.!.!.

I will leave a point to ponder
As you sit safe in your shelter:
Think of that victim now!.
I know you've seen her-
Have you ever FELT her!?

everyone has a problem in their life!.!.

hope this helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is really great and i love the honesty of the poem with your raw to the bone thru your lines!. I think it may be about some person probably a lady that has become in a nightmare of problems; and because of this she is trying to make it out in this cold hard world when one is hungry' cold when you have to walk the street all day as you have no where to go home too!.I think maybe she was abused and started not caring anymore if she lived or dies and then the horrible stars she;ll get when your out there trying do what you can to survive and many of us have had to do things which does not make us proud'!.she has suffered and got like this as someone took her innocence and it made her mind so mixed ewhere you just quit caring about herself ' where's she's going ' as now nothing even matters anymore!.!.!.Do not judge me or anyone on this earth till you have walked a mile in my shoes is what i get out of it' and the way you said this ' is a strong message with a fantastic poem!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com