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Question: Ever hear spring freight trains!?
Yes, a true story

The Freight Train Came

To appreciate weather is to watch it grow
from speckled white dots horizon deep to
mighty grayish black elephants thundering low,
whips crackling, roman candles spewing
the drums, deep and deafening

Mom and Dad were outside watching
the southwest sky erupting that day!.
Black and gray with flashes bright
fear was in that storm a coming!.

The animals sensed something afoot
and fled to sheltered barn!.
But one lone lamb of brother’s,
stayed to finish feeding gluttony!.

Hurry! Into the house, basement door,
don’t ask… just do as told!.
So we all went except for Mom!
We remember Dad yelling at her,
and then…the freight train came!.

Yes, Mom survived standing in the kitchen
looking out the window as the trained roared
Said she saw the barn rise and fall back again,
the sheds float away, the garage fall!.

And brother’s sheep swirled high in the air
A sacrifice perhaps to the gods!.
For Mom survived looking out the window
the day the freight train came!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hear you, I lived through a tornado too, it really sounded to me like a bunch of freight trains!. Good writing and orange light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The trains are about a half-3/4 mile away from me I sometimes hear them in the distance in the quiet hours of the evening!.

We have a couple CSX yards in this city!. Their is one housing development that is just a stone throw away from one, and their is another where the tracks for the yard cut off the neigborhood, so I had to wait for a train to move so I could leave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your "freight train" is something akin to earthquakes - I guess we all live with our own brand of "devils" - somehow I like the ground shaking better than the Wizard of Oz!. What a childhood - no thanks - and with much credit to you - and your Mom was surely blessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The trains in Missouri are just as bad but I have not seen that!. The strangest thing I have seen is between the first front and the back, the hole in the cloud!. I like the poem and it makes me think which is what I like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad mom survived, although I think the only reason is because the gods took the sheep in her stead!. All things happen for a reason!. Wonderful poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wonderful story wonderfully told!.


Great story!. Great poem!. The freight train could be likened to a tornado!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! This can only come from having been there and done that!. Beautiful way with words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We heard the train roar from our basement in Liberty!. Our ears popped when it passed overhead!. Good story, good ride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try hearing the train at midnight when you're trying to sleep!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not only heard, been in one!.!.!.quite an experience!. You described it quite well!.!.!.for a moment!.!.!.I was there again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "L", the elevated train in Philadelphia passed over our heads when we crossed the street!. What a roar it was!Www@QuestionHome@Com

After reading Neon's moving picture!. I smiled even wider reading Lilly's remark about earth quake!. The recent tremor few weeks ago at 4:30 A!.M!.
woke me up jiggling my bed from head to foot, first thoughts
"Was that a heavy freight, I did not hear it, was I dreaming"
(Not usual to hear a train unless I am outside) The bed jiggled again, I thought my body blood may be confuzed, or I nutts!
was glad to hear the morning news Quake!.
Was a time my in-laws lived close to tracks, frieght train would jiggle bed to bump your head at night!.

Neon as always captures pictures with words Bravo!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com