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Position:Home>Poetry> PART 1: Today is Holocaust Rememberance day. I'm 14 and this is my point of

Question: PART 1: Today is Holocaust Rememberance day!. I'm 14 and this is my point of view!. Please Comment!.!?
I leave my home,
all that I've known
for 14 years!.
Tears surging,
as new pain is emerging
from the abyss!.
Oh, how I miss
how things used to be
with my family!.
All gone except for me!.
But now
I see
how this is
the past,
as I enter the world,
wide open and vast!.
Ghetto life is so excrutiating,
crammed to the the limit,
like a display,
an array of souls
about to be taken!.
The streets are paved with filth and dust,
yet I feel that
I must greet the coming day!.
Why do they hate us!?
What did we do!?
They prejudice against me!.
For I bear the name
of a Jew!.
As I soon board a train,
my pain lurks
among my soul!.
All I have on to hold
are memories
from before THEY came,
cursed be their name!.
I am suffocating,
yet anticipating,
a hope;
al ight for a better tomorrow,
to end the darkness
of this seemingly eternal
Otherwise known as the
plight of the Holocaust!.
FOR THE END VIEW PART 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dear Nicki

Having read parts 1 and 2, and having seen what happened to the millions of Jews caught up in the Holocaust!. I was wandering what prompted you to write this poem of remembrance!.

May I present to you also for your consideration some facts regarding others peoples killed during World War Two!.

One was killed out of every 22 Russians!.
ditto 25 Germans
ditto 150 English
ditto 150 Italians
ditto 200 French
Two out of every three European Jews!. Estimated population of European Jews before the Holocaust was 8,861,800!. Estimated number annihilated was 5,933,900, 67% of the estimated population!.
The Holocaust differed from the other twenty nine million non-Jews who died in one fundamental respect!. It was the attempt to annihilate, totally to exterminate, all of the Jewish people of Europe,

My heart goes out all who suffer under the hands of suppressors, for there will always be such evil deeds committed to men by men!.

If as you say you are a Jew, there will come a time when you will once again be a great people, and who knows just what part you will play!?


wow!. you are 14!? im 15! you should try to get your work published, because you've got talent! go to poetry!.com and enter their contest, i have a feeling you'll do well!. you can enter more than once too!. Allpoetry!.com is a good site as well!. good luck, hope to see your poetry in the books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice but sad:(Www@QuestionHome@Com