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Position:Home>Poetry> I forgot about Phlizgart and Modyhody. Where did they get off to?

Question: I forgot about Phlizgart and Modyhody!. Where did they get off to!?
The Language of Lunar Love
by TD Euwaite

Are you from Mars
Are you from Venus
Is the Van Allen
Belt between us
I know that I
Have smelled your scent before

Have you passed Io
Or seen Phobos
Skate Castillo’s
Icy surface
I feel like I
Have touched your tentacles

Let’s go to Saturn
Or Uranus
When Mercury still races
Past the hottest place
Ever known

And if you feel alone
My mandible’s your thrown
And my claws will hold you tight…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved this right up until

And if you feel alone
My mandible's your thrown
And my claws will hold you tight!.!.!.

Tell me, how can a mandible be a thrown -(sp throne)!?
I think the creative juice tap turned off at the end of verse three

Am I allowed to insult the High Commander!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lunar Love is wonderful TD!.!.!.!.no body on this earth have sung anything like this before!.!.!.!.!.this is something very new!.!.!.and i feel it like a song from cosmos!.!.!.the voice has some huge amount of power in it!.!.!.and the last three lines are my favourite!.!.!.

"And if you feel alone
My mandible’s your thrown
And my claws will hold you tight"

they are great!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I'll bite, who or what is Phlizgart and Modyhody!?
I hate to be crabby, but the penultimate line is a grammatical disaster!.


I absolutely loved this and it so cool for even words!.You always come up with something different' and that's why your so good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've thrown the mandible out with the rest of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's join tentacles on Mars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a great poem!. A masterpiece!.Www@QuestionHome@Com