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Question: How to write a love poem!?
How do you start off writing a love poem!?

I have already decided the 'message' of my love poem!. But I'm not sure how to start it off!.

My love poem that I want to start it off is simply!.!.!.

First Stanza: How beautiful she is, what it was that made me love sick, etc

Second Stanza: Explaining why I couldn't make the first move towards her, feeling as if she always belonged to someone else, how I need her help, etc!.

Third Stanza: My conclusion states that I should move on and etc!.

Not sure how to start it off, I simply worked backwards!

Here's my third stanza

Truth may say it could be too late
So catch me if you can
Only if you wish to dare
So take care of yourself while I'm gone
So that maybe when I come back
I'll tell you how I truly feel about you

How was that!? Even though that was my last stanza, was it good at all!?

When I tried to start off my poem, I wasn't sure if it was good or not, so I'll share what I tried to start off

(TO BE CONTINUED)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, to be honest, the theme love is so overused that a poem has to have a lot of original lines to be considered good!.
What you have sounds common, and boring!. Try adding exciting imagery to make it better!.

Truth has told me not to wait
So chase me now, or go!.
But don't breathe lightly if you love,
And blossom while I'm gone!.
Perhaps some day when I've returned,
You'll see this gem I've held for you!.

If you want, you can do as you like with that, but it's only a suggestion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com