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Position:Home>Poetry> Please comment on the poem?

Question: Please comment on the poem!?
about my co worker that was a horrible person

The sun is so bright I got this feeling inside
The same feeling I get when I look into your eyes
Or hear your voice and your false cries
It’s the feeling that makes me want to die
It makes my skin crawl
And my jaw fall
I’m embarrassed that I let your actions effect me
But that is before I realize your not free
I look at you and what I see
Churns my stomach and I realize that isn’t how I wanna feel
Not how I wanna live
Not how I wanna be, see, believe, perceive
My life goal isn’t this to achieve
All I wanna do is stop!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've had co-workers in my life that made me feel the same way you do and what's freaky about it is they're usually the ones that are further up on the business ladder! How they got there is beyond me! The poem is dead on when it comes to people that just 'make your skin crawl'!. I'll be honest though, in the first two lines I thought it was going to be a love poem (but then I like the sun)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that kinda makes you sound a bit horribleWww@QuestionHome@Com