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Question: Wordsworth Poerty- The Thorn!?
Hi all

I need help with a school project, it's about Wordsworth poem called The Thorn!. Could someone please tell me in what way does this poem (which deals about nature) relates to thoughts and feelings of human beings!?

10 points to the best answer! And thanks for your help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It does so metaphorically!. On the surface, right, he's talking about a thorn, and compares its qualities to those of a mountain field of lovely flowers!.

But read the first verse and imagine that, instead of a thorn, he's describing an old woman:

There is a[n old woman; she] looks so old,
In truth you'd find it hard to say,
How [she] could ever have been young,
[She] looks so old and grey!.
Not higher than a two-year's child,
It stands erect this aged [woman];
No [hair she] has, no thorny points;
[Her hands are] a mass of knotted joints,
A wretched thing forlorn!.

Do that with the rest of the poem!. That should give you a good start :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com