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Position:Home>Poetry> Please, please, please, someone tell me if this is iambic pentameter! And please

Question: Please, please, please, someone tell me if this is iambic pentameter! And please, explain it to me in scansion
For as surely this garden weeps perfumes
There you will wait for me, and I for you!.

Would someone perform the /-/-/- thing, or for for AS sureLY this GARden, something like that, so I know what is wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
/- is trochaic
-/ is iambic
that is giving that - is unstressed and / is stressed syllables!.
your first line;
/-/--/-/-/ is pentameter, but the first two feet are trochaic!.
your second line;
-/-/-/-/-/ iambic all the way, and both consist of 5 feet, which makes it pentameter!.

As surely as this garden weeps perfumes
for line 1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These lines contain iambs, but only the second is iambic throughout!. I would read them like this:

Line 1: for as SUREly this GARden WEEPS per FUMES
-- 2 anapests (--/) and 2 iambs (-/)

Line 2: there YOU will WAIT for ME and I for YOU
-- straight iambic pentameterWww@QuestionHome@Com