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Question: Metaphors or personification for happiness!?
i am writing a quality poem on happiness and cant think of any more metaphors, similies, or personification!. please help!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A metaphor says something "is" something else, whereas a "simile" says it's "like" something else!.
If you say, "your happiness is like a ray of sunshine", that's a simile!.!.!.but if you say, "your happiness is a ray of sunshine", that's a metaphor!. Just about any metaphor can be made into a simile by adding "like"!.!.!.for example:

Your happiness is a cloudless day
Your happiness is like a cloudless day
Happiness is a warm cup of chocolate
Happiness is like a warm cup of chocolate

metaphor, when something "is" something else
simile, when something "is like" something else

I think you can figure out hundreds of metaphors and similes that relate to happiness now :)

Personification would be a metaphor with human qualities, like, "happiness slaps me in the face when I'm down"!.!.!.meaning that I've given a non-human concept, human qualities!.!.!.happiness obviously can't "slap" anything, but as soon as I say that it "does", it is "personification"!.!.!.the same would be true if I said, "I took happiness by the shoulders and shoot it until we both cried"!.!.!.again, giving human qualities to something non-human!.

!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

- A smile dancing the salsa in circles
- A burst of joy pouring down like rain
- as a tide of laughter comes and waves touch the soul
- feelings of, joy, laughter and contentment stamp imprints of happyness on my heart
- this feeling, much like the blossoming of a tulip on a spring day

okay those SUCKED!
I tried :)
