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Position:Home>Poetry> "Phew! Acrostic? "---What is this?

Question: "Phew! Acrostic!? "---What is this!?
Trips are tiring teriffic sight scenes
read road map directions
your only yearning dreaming
invest in solutons production
not in naive slumber
get going----good-bye!.

(by Jenny 5/1/08 )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You seem to want to tackle the acrostic, don't you!? The rules are that the acrostic (letters on the left) should tie into the title!. In addition, a flow between lines should be maintained!. You have six seperate lines that I find hard to see the connection!. Is this a metaphor for the fact that you are "trying"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jenny are you saying you are only 4 months old!? That's a terrific poem from one so young, but your spelling is a bit off
terrific has one 'f'
solutions has 'i' in it

Who is trying - you!? Are you 'trying' to write a poem, or are you just a trying person!?
I'm sure you can do better than this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com